Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Worms for soil

This site I found it very helpful and useful to African's farmers because:

* Dr Maarten Stapper - was a farming systems agronomist scientist for the CSIRO Plant Industry.... Australia made him aware that most problem starts with the soil, and hence solutions should start there...
Maarten is passionate about discovering and using the power of nature in food production systems - and the connections between soil biologie, soil health and the overall functioning of agro-ecosystems, and sees many opportunities for Australian agriculture to reverse soil degradation and regenerate soils.

A personal event - a major car accident changed his way of looking at life drastically, before it was all about corporate funding culture, after the accident he was more interested in getting back to basics, earth issues and helping farmers regenerate soils with the use of worms, without being dependant on pesticides and chemicals..

The program narrates Dr Stapper's journey from CSIRO to now consultant working for himself and highlighting his various struggles along the way...Helping Australian farmers with worms...has drastically help australian farmers regenerate their soils ...for better food outcome with less or very little chemicals ...

Found this program very interesting, informative, inspiring and helping hopefully to farmers in Africa: Back to Earth.

This scientific article is worth reading:

"Soil Fertility Management - Towards Sustainable Farming and Landscapes"
by Dr Maarteen Stapper